In the nuclear age, an initial pursuit of monopoly—one nation seeking unchallenged command of nuclear weapons—eventually gave way to the standoff of deterrence known as mutual assured destruction (MAD). As nuclear arsenals matured and the capability for mutual destruction became undeniable, nations eventually accepted that any bold attempt to dominate all opposition risked drawing a preemptive strike. A similar state of mutual strategic vulnerability looms in AI. If a rival state races toward a strategic monopoly, states will not sit by quietly. If the rival state loses control, survival is threatened; alternatively, if the rival state retains control and the AI is powerful, survival is threatened. A rival with a vastly more powerful AI would amount to a severe national security emergency, so superpowers will not accept a large disadvantage in AI capabilities. Rather than wait for a rival to weaponize a superintelligence against them, states will act to disable threatening AI projects, producing a deterrence dynamic that might be called Mutual Assured AI Malfunction, or MAIM.
Paths to Disabling a Rival's AI Project. States intent on blocking an AI-enabled strategic monopoly can employ an array of tactics, beginning with espionage, in which intelligence agencies quietly obtain details about a rival's AI projects. Knowing what to target, they may undertake covert sabotage: well-placed or blackmailed insiders can tamper with model weights or training data or AI chip fabrication facilities, while hackers quietly degrade the training process so that an AI's performance when it completes training is lackluster. This is akin to Stuxnet which aimed to covertly sabotage Iran's nuclear enrichment program. When subtlety proves too constraining, competitors may escalate to overt cyberattacks, targeting datacenter chip-cooling systems or nearby power plants in a way that directly—if visibly—disrupts development. Should these measures falter, some leaders may contemplate kinetic attacks on datacenters, arguing that allowing one actor to risk dominating or destroying the world are graver dangers, though kinetic attacks are likely unnecessary. Finally, under dire circumstances, states may resort to broader hostilities by climbing up existing escalation ladders or threatening non-AI assets. We refer to attacks against rival AI projects as "maiming attacks."
Infeasibility of Preventing Maiming. Since above-ground datacenters cannot currently be defended from hypersonic missiles, a state seeking to protect its AI-enabled strategic monopoly project might attempt to bury datacenters deep underground to shield them. In practice, the costs and timelines are daunting, and vulnerabilities remain. Construction timelines can stretch to three to five times longer than standard datacenter builds, amounting to several additional years. Costs balloon as well, diverting funds away from the project's AI chips and pushing total expenditures into the several hundreds of billions. Cooling the world's largest supercomputer underground introduces complex engineering challenges that go well beyond what is required for smaller underground setups. Should the supercomputer require an order-of-magnitude AI chip expansion, retrofitting the facility would become prohibitively difficult. Even those with the wealth and foresight to pursue this route would still face the potent risks of insider threats and hacking. In addition, the entire project could be sabotaged during the lengthy construction phase. Last, states could threaten non-AI assets to deter the project long before it goes online.
MAIM Is the Default. The relative ease of (cyber) espionage and sabotage of a rival's destabilizing AI project yields a form of deterrence. Much like nuclear rivals concluded that attacking first could trigger their own destruction, states seeking an AI monopoly while risking a loss of control must assume competitors will maim their project before it nears completion. A state can expect its AI project to be disabled if any rival believes it poses an unacceptable risk. This dynamic stabilizes the strategic landscape without lengthy treaty negotiations—all that is necessary is that states collectively recognize their strategic situation. The net effect may be a stalemate that postpones the emergence of superintelligence, curtails many loss of control scenarios, and undercuts efforts to secure a strategic monopoly, much as mutual assured destruction once restrained the nuclear arms race.
States eventually came to accept that mutual deterrence, while seemingly a natural byproduct of nuclear stockpiling, demanded deliberate maintenance. Each superpower recognized that advanced defensive measures—particularly anti-ballistic missile (ABM) systems—could unravel the fragile balance that restrained either side from a catastrophic first strike. They responded by safeguarding mutual vulnerabilities, culminating in the 1972 ABM Treaty. By analogy, we should not leave to chance today's default condition of MAIM: where would-be monopolists, gambling not to cause omnicide, can expect their projects to be disabled. Even if attempting to harden massive datacenters is extraordinarily prohibitive and unwise, rumors alone can spark fears that a rival is going to risk national security and human security. Formal understandings not to pursue such fortifications help keep the standoff steady. We now discuss additional measures that curb unintended escalation and limit collateral damage, so that MAIM does not unravel into broader conflict.
Preserve Rational Decision-Making. Just as nuclear rivals once mapped each rung on the path to a launch to limit misunderstandings, AI powers must clarify the escalation ladder of espionage, covert sabotage, overt cyberattacks, possible kinetic strikes, and so on. For deterrence to hold, each side's readiness to maim must be common knowledge, ensuring that any maiming act—such as a cyberattack—cannot be misread and cause needless escalation. However, clarity about escalation holds little deterrence value if rogue regimes or extremist factions acquire large troves of AI chips. Measures to prevent smuggling of AI chips keep decisions in the hands of more responsible states rather than rogue actors, which helps preserve MAIM's deterrent value. Like MAD, MAIM requires that destabilizing AI capabilities be restricted to rational actors.
Expand the Arsenal of AI Project Cyberattacks. To avoid resorting to kinetic attacks, states could improve their ability to maim destabilizing AI projects with cyberattacks. They could identify AI developers' projects or collect information on the professional activities of AI developers' scientists. To spy on AI projects at most companies, all that is necessary is a Slack or iPhone zero-day software exploit. States could also poison data, corrupt model weights and gradients, disrupt software that handles faulty GPUs, or undermine cooling or power systems. Training runs are non-deterministic and their outcomes are difficult to predict even without bugs, providing cover to many cyberattacks. Unlike kinetic attacks, some of these attacks leave few overt signs of intrusion, yet they can severely disrupt destabilizing AI projects with minimal diplomatic fallout.
Build Datacenters in Remote Locations. During the nuclear era, superpowers intentionally placed missile silos and command facilities far from major population centers. This principle of city avoidance would, by analogy, advise placing large AI datacenters in remote areas. If an aggressive maiming action ever occurs, that action would not put cities into the crossfire.
Distinguish Between Destabilizing AI Projects and Acceptable Use. The threat of a maiming attack gives states the leverage to demand transparency measures from rivals, such as inspection, so they need not rely on espionage alone to decide whether maiming is justified. Coordinating can help states reduce the risk of maiming datacenters that merely run consumer-facing AI services. The approach of mutual observation echoes the spirit of the Open Skies Treaty, which employed unarmed overflights to demonstrate that neither side was hiding missile deployments. In a similar spirit, increased transparency spares the broader ecosystem of everyday AI services and lowers the risk of blanket sabotage.
AI-Assisted Inspections. Speculative but increasingly plausible, confidentiality-preserving AI verifiers offer a path to confirming that AI projects abide by declared constraints without revealing proprietary code or classified material. By analyzing code and commands on-site, AIs could issue a confidentiality-preserving report or simple compliance verdict, potentially revealing nothing beyond whether the facility is creating new destabilizing models. Humans cannot perform the same role as easily, given the danger of inadvertently gleaning or leaking information, so AIs could reshape the classic tension between security and transparency. Information from these AI inspections could help keep any prospective conflict confined to the disabling of AI development programs rather than escalating to the annihilation of populations. Such a mechanism can help in the far future when AI development requires less centralization or requires fewer computational resources.
MAIM can be made more stable with unilateral information acquisition (espionage), multilateral information acquisition (verification), unilateral maiming (sabotage), and multilateral maiming (joint off-switch). Mutual assured AI malfunction, under these conditions, need not devolve into mutual assured human destruction.
A standoff of destabilizing AI projects may arise by default, but it is not meant to persist for decades or serve as an indefinite stalemate. During the standoff, states seeking the benefits from creating a more capable AI have an incentive to improve transparency and adopt verification measures, thereby reducing the risk of sabotage or preemptive attacks. In the Conclusion, we illustrate how this standoff might end, allowing AI's benefits to grow without global destabilization.
This section concludes the principal idea of this paper. Readers could skip to the Conclusion, or read the following two sections for a discussion of nonproliferation and competitiveness.